Who we are, Grammys, Conferences & Confidentiality

We hope your year is off to a productive start! Our’s has been terrific!
Some folks we work with have known us for over a decade, but new friends are keen to learn more about who we, the founders, are. We’ve updated the About Us page with links to Linkedin and a photo we fortuitously snapped on our first day working together. Ahh, nostalgia 🙂

As our audience grows, much time and effort has been spent explaining how YouTube affects copyright owners, artists, content creators, and everyone in between. In as much, we have published a high level guide that breaks down how YouTube works, regarding copyright . Did you catch the Grammys? What a show!! We attended, big thanks to JJ Cheng and SESAC, and simply had a ball. The following day I did a wrap up on the Hunnypot Radio with Hot Tub Johnnie. I’m humbled, as I’ve heard and they even reiterated during that broadcast, that folks work their entire career just to get a little love on that show. If you’ve not been over to The Mint to check them out, you should. Sooner, than later.We were invited to host several panels at the DEW Expo just last week in Los Angeles, which proved to be an excellent learning and networking opportunity. Speaking of conferences, please let us know if you’ll be at the Winter Music Conference Winter Music Conference in Miami March 21-30th, as I will be hosting a panel on how artists, labels, and publishers can get more from YouTube. And for folks in Nashville, clear your schedule the 2nd week of April, as Rene has been invited to speak at her alma matter, Curb School of Music Business at Bemont University.On the tech side of things, we have forged a partnership with Rackspace to facilitate all of our hosting. The fanatical support and extremely powerful computing resources, coupled with a development grant that provides our young company plenty of runway to build was a no brainer. So far, so awesome!! The dust of the new servers had not even settled before we got to hacking on a brand new search algorithm that has proven to be pretty cool. Its not quite ready for prime time, but stay tuned.
Finally, we are often asked who we work with. This is a sensitive subject as confidentiality is extremely important to us and those we represent. Should someone need a reference for one reason or another, we approach the issue on a case by case basis and are happy to provide all of what someone might need in order to feel comfortable.

Whew! Recalling all of that was pretty exciting!!

Ideas? Questions? Wanna Chat? Please reach out!

Stay close,
