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Meet Raymond

Raymond Rillo

Before Exploration, Raymond was a support specialist at a multinational technology company. He spent his childhood in Makati City, Philippines, and took his BS in Business Administration, majoring in Business Management at the Asia Pacific College. He is a loving husband who adores technology and finds pleasure in traveling in his leisure time.

Raymond is the Director of Copyright Management at Exploration, a media management and technology company headquartered in Los Angeles.

He is responsible for managing the Ingest and Onboarding department. He is primarily in charge of handling client catalog deliveries across platforms, overseeing all ingest task delegation, and corresponding with multiple clients to confirm metadata and inquiries.

Raymond took a degree in Business Administration, majoring in Business Management at the Asia Pacific College in the Philippines. He is a loving husband who adores technology and finds pleasure in traveling and divulging to both local and international cuisines in his leisure time.


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