Partner Development Program + Request For Feedback

I hope everything is getting on alright for you and the gang. One thing I can report for sure: I’m finer than frog hair that its cooled off a bit! Whew, what a summer!

Exploration has been chosen to participate with YouTube in their Partner Development Program. We were chosen based upon our growth and viewership metrics.

The Partner Development Program is an exciting milestone for us and includes a ton of benefits for our clients. The essence of the effort is to help us grow the viewership of the media we manage in addition to increasing profitability. Dedicated support staff from YouTube, in person office hours to solve specific problems, and personalized growth strategy advice for clients are all part of the deal, but there is a lot more.

Ultimately, it will enable us to execute on an even higher level, which we are thrilled about.

Perhaps that is a good segue…

In the spirit of executing at a higher level, we need your feedback.

As the year end approaches, we are analyzing every facet of our business. From the appearance of our website to the complexity of our contracts. From the accuracy of our search software to next year’s development roadmap. From the initiatives we have sponsored to the amount of royalties we have collected on behalf of our clients.

We have a bunch of ideas that are already on the docket, but your thoughts are the most important.

Will you please give us some ideas on how we can improve?


Thank you in advance and have a great week!

Stay close.

ps – is your media on SoundCloud?

pps – you can even give us anonymous feedback GHOST_URL/contact.