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Meet Julius

Julius had a decade-long experience in the Business Process Outsourcing industry before he joined Exploration. Born and raised in the Southern Philippines, he graduated from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines with a degree in Information Technology. He is an audiophile whose early musical influence emerged through his music-loving family.
Julius is the Licensing and Claims Manager at Exploration. He incessantly expands his musical horizon while leading the Claiming Team, whose main task involves managing multiple catalogs and asserting ownership of unclaimed works on both YouTube and the mechanical platforms.
Julius is an alumnus of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines with a degree in Information Technology. He worked as an offshore analyst and a technical specialist in the Business Process Outsourcing industry for a decade before he pursued a career in Exploration.
His musical interests were influenced by his music-loving family, intensified by his collective musical experiences, and inspired by his memories of the countryside.
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