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Meet Alexander

Alexander Baynum

Alexander works to identify new business opportunities, consult with clientele, and negotiate deals for Exploration Group. Currently, he represents the company from Nashville and has been working to drive the growth of the organization since November 2020. Alexander routinely evaluates catalog audits and identifies areas of improvement in earning potential for copyright.

Alexander received his BBA with a double major in Economics and Music Business from Belmont University in 2020. Before joining Exploration Group, he worked as a market research analyst, where he honed his skills in identifying economic trends and compiling data for the Music Industry Report 2020. He also has experience as a paralegal for Weatherly, McNally & Dixon, PLC where he successfully drafted and submitted numerous applications for commutation, reviewed discovery materials, created transcript summaries, completed expungement paperwork, and drafted a written argument that resulted in a presidential pardon.

In addition to his professional experience, Alexander has worked in various roles that have honed his skills in cooperation and communication. He served as an A1 Audio Technician and House Manager at Belmont University, overseeing student workers, securing venue spaces, managing crowds, and meeting the needs of clients. He also worked as a Project Manager at Pipeline Project 8.0, directing student research, conducting market analysis, and presenting findings in an academic context.

Outside of Exploration, Alexander provides strategic support for digital audience development. In his spare time, he has volunteered with several organizations, providing musical experiences for developmentally delayed children and participating in disaster relief efforts. He enjoys creating music, stand up comedy, and pickup basketball.


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